Alexander McQueen

Fashion concepts project–

I wanted to explore a darker world of fashion, that was more about the hidden meaning then the obvious aesthetic. While researching fashion designers that fit my criteria, I found Alexander McQueen, and in particular his 1996 show Dante.


This particular show was presented in a decrepit 16th Century church which reinforced the theme of death, hell, and the animalistic which was present throughout the entire show.

‘Everywhere there were references to death; masks set with crucifixes; earrings of dangling bird claws; arms caught in silver crowns of thorns; Victorian jet beading and a mourning colour palette of black, blue beige, mauve and greys’ _ Suzy Menkes, a journalist reporting on the show.

In the library I found the book Inferno, which contained high quality photos from the show along with context and the information surrounding the show, such as the fact that the architect of the church built 5 other churches which from an aerial perspective formed a pentagram.

I find Alexander McQueen’s fashions interesting, and I want to use his inspiration to apply it to my own work. The mixture of death, female empowerment, and religion are concepts that work strangely well together, and I want my work to work in the same way.

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